Wednesday, May 29, 2013

I saw a light at the end of the tunnel (and it wasn't a train)

When I conceived the idea for this blog nearly a year and a half ago, my outlook on the impact my professional life was having on my personal life looked bleak. That was evident in my initial post.

Since then, so many things have changed that I think I would try your patience if I started to list them all. I feel fortunate to say that most of the changes have been external. I didn't just "change my attitude." I made concrete changes. Knowing this empowers me and I hope it can embolden others and give them hope that they can change too.
The most striking change was changing jobs. I quite without a safety net. Without my next job waiting in the wings. I can't recommend this move to everyone, but for me it was a test of faith... in myself and in my greatest supporter, my husband. 
Getting back to this blog is important to me because there was, is and always will be the challenge of balancing my professional life with my personal life. In order to find fulfillment in both, there has to be balance and that's what I want to talk about.

Will you join me?